Image Description for the Co-design Session #1 Wish Board
Surfing the Design group
Context: Street
- Accessible pedestrian signals should be on crosswalks too
- Lights activated as pedestrians cross the street
- Colour code curb to clarify where people stand based on need
- Feedback isn’t accessible: document need to be easy to understand and not too technical
- More benches
- Wider berths with raised bumps as well as designated priority? Area for people w/ disabilities and access needs
Fantastic Five group
Context: The Park
- Explore or improve “311” Feedback system for parks
- Things to incorporate: more volume, natural input mechanisms
- Auto prioritization for feedbacks (receiving perspective)
- Continuous update during feedback response process
- Textual way-finding in parks (specific to wayfinding)
- Give you a reward for # of problems you have reported that get fixed
- Volunteer to help fix the problem (maybe engage student volunteer for credit)
- Track stage of your feedback (both sides can see)
- Information as public art
- Park Ambassadors - student volunteers
- Story telling beacons in parks for information on park amenities
- Triage Feedback - present in same method
Dream Machine group
Context: Farmer’s Market
- Privacy Options - Access to Services without relinquishing privacy - option to opt-out
- Proactive vendors/quick response
- Transparent data collection and most importantly non-tech human interaction for help
- Accessible OMBUDSMAN when there is conflict or confusion - to mediate and identify solution with clear way to identify them (mediation)
- Integrated, transparent communication system (from cleaners to emergency response) in Real-Time for live support
- Transparent and accountable governance at all levels (cops, owner, government levels, who and how and responsive with action)
- Food Governance at Market Level - labeling, and supply chain (transparent, coherent)
- Accessible Rates to washroom - signage and includes when there are changes/construction
- Better Accessibility Education - Beyond AODA (better public training)
- Customized and specific, includes allergies for example
- Transparent and posting on website - feedback, complaints, what complaints are, who they are from
- Database on site with complaints, response, action
- Legislation around transparent governance
- Human interactions during emergencies rather than robots
- Connected supply chain from vendor to consumer
- Vendors and operators educated on food accessibility needs
Five, The Other group
Context: Shopping Mall
- A visible way to see how the feedback is implemented
- A place that learns from its usage and adapts to it
- Having an entity/person responsible for the feedback. (Knowing who is responsible for certain spaces - architects, designers, owners, managers. Knowing where your feedback goes/lives. Humane/dignified wayfinding.)
- Individualized feedback channel with different options, including: app, person, telephone, feedback box, text message, feedback board
416-LABB group
Context: Hospital
- Hospital Services Feedback
- Education - In location of hospitals/clinics
- Use of tech, multiple locations, languages
- Intelligent systems
- Transparent Information on who runs hospitals and who is making decisions
- Overnight staff specialists - complex, chronic (autoimmune), surgery and pharmacy
- Organizational structure of institutions and outsourced services (private/public)
- Feedback/information on when ambulance should be called and how much it will cost
- Better design and service of public transportation to hospitals
- More reasonable and affordable parking in hospitals
- Develop policies to encourage walk-in clinics to provide service during irregular hours (clear information that guides efficient process)
- (Community support group)
- Provide access for transportations in the hospital (useful easy to understand language)
- Public education about emergency health care
- Finger/eye scanning system to replace health cards
- Education for emergency + volunteer room staff on how to properly communicate with people in crisis
- Public Education about accessing healthcare - prior and on location
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